Visual Data

What is this?

Visual Data is a program that allows users to input data points for functions, and graph them on a plane using interpolation while showing a running bar chart and providing a function to "playback" the data as x increases over time. Basically we make data look good.

Input Reference

Inputting Data

The way you input data is fairly simple. Every data function consists of two core elements: the name, and the data points, with a minimum of two data points needed. To input this information, have a seperate line for every function, and have each line begin with the name of the function followed by the function datapoints enclosed in parenthesis. Here is some example input that creates two functions, named NameA and NameB:


Alternatively, you can input data as an equation rather than inputting data points. To declare an equation, use an "=" sign with an equation where x is the changing variable

NameA = x + 5
NameB = 2 * x

You will need to replace the x and y values with actual numbers in order to use this as a valid input, but the format itself does not change. To understand this better, try clicking on the buttons of example "code" to see how the data is inputted in simple examples.

Number Formatting

There are three different formatting styles you can use for numbers: abbreviated, fullNum, and scientific. Abbreviated will abbreviate numbers with letters such as "M" for millions and "K" for thousands, fullNum will show all digits of a number without abbreviating, and scientific will show numbers in scientific notation. If you leave out a declaration for formatting x-values or y-values, the program will still compile with the default value of "abbreviated". To declare a value, you use a "xNumbers:" or "yNumbers:" statement (depending on what axis you want to format) and follow with the formatting type you want to use.



A document title is used to quickly let people know what the program is used for. It is displayed in the name of downloaded files for quickly finding them, and is displayed in the browser's title bar while you are viewing the output. To declare a title, use title: followed by the title name for the document. Files without a title declaration by default will have no title and will still compile.

title:Awesome Graph!!


To make a comment in Visual Data, begin the line with "//"; everything after the double slashes will be a comment. Comments are not read by the compiler, and do not affect any output. They are used only to be read by humans to make your program more understandable!

//This is a comment!


Interpolation is the method by which we predict point values between the few given points from the user. Spline interpolation looks like a squiggly line, while linear interpolation looks more rigid and potentially has sharp points. Visual Data uses spline interpolation by default, but you can also set the interpolation to follow a linear algorithim.


Window setting

By default, Visual Data displays all data points that are provided by the user. However, if you want to only focus on one section of the graph, you are able to zoom in on the graph by only viewing data points within a range of values. The xWindow declaration constricts the x-axis to only display points in a certain range of two values, seperated by a comma. For example, xWindow=0,5 will have the graph only show points between the x-values of 0 and 5, and hide all of the rest. Similar to xWindow, there is a yWindow declaration that allows users to only display points in a range of y-values.


Color Palette

If a user wants to use a color palette different from the default palette, they are able to specify their own colors to use.


Toolbar Reference:

The Play Button will display the values of the graphs over time, starting on the left side and moving towards the right. The whole process takes roughly 16 seconds.
The Pause Button will stop the play button's activity, and allow you to regain control of the graph x-location before the time alloted for the play button is over. There however is no resume button; once you pause a graph you will have to start from the far left again if you wish to resume.
The Upload Button allows you to select a file from your computer that is in a .txt format, and the contents of the file will be uploaded and stored on the online editor, and immediately be parsed to make a new graph.
The Download Button allows for you to download the current content of the text editor to save for later. The file will be named "Visual Data" followed by the date and time when it was downloaded.
The Clear Button will clear all text in the text box as well as clearing the graph display. This is very useful to quickly clear the graph when it has an example on it.
The BrightMode Button toggles between Light Mode and Dark Mode. By default the website is displayed in Dark Mode with dark colors, while Light Mode has lighter colors that may be easier to read.
The Axis Button will toggle whether any axis are present on the graph. By default you can see axis, but this option allows you to remove them.
Pressing the help button directs you down the page to see instructions on how to use the Visual Data software.