Hexagonal Light - Documentation


Welcome to the Hexagonal Light documentation page! Hexagonal Light is a program that allows users to input categorical data, and generates an interactive graph from it. Read the rest of the documentation page to learn how to use Hexagonal Light.

Table of Contents

Website Layout

Hexagonal Light has the following website layout:

User Input

Hexagonal Light uses a very basic "programming" language that allows users to input data. The programming language has two main components: Data Groups and Collections. Comments and miscellaneous settings are also included in the language.

Data Groups

Data Groups are the core feature of Hexagonal Light. Each Data Group specifies a category name, and a corresponding value for that category. Some examples of Data Groups are: 8 cars, 5 trucks, 3 bicycles, 6 walking, and 1 helicopter.

To declare a Data Group, type its name first and its value after it, seperated by a colon character.

Cars: 8
Trucks: 5
Bicycles: 3

The above code will generate the following output:

When the compiler reads a Data Group declaration, it will add circles to the graph that each have the data group's name. For example, if a Data Group named "Cars" is declared with a value of 8, the output graph will have 8 circles named "Cars". A Data Group named "Trucks" with a value of 5 will result in the output graph having 5 circles named "Trucks", and so on.

Some rules about values:

A Data Group's name cannot have any of the following:

Some other notes about Data Group naming rules:


Comments are declared using double slashes (//). All text after a comment is not read by the compiler.

//This is a comment!
Group A: 24 //You can have a comment in the same line as code, as long as the comment is at the end of the line.

Note: The above code sample has 2 lines of code, although it may appear to have more lines. The program differntiates between lines by seeing where the Enter Button (New Line) characters are in the document, not how the program visually looks.


Hexagonal Light has several changable settings that affect the whole output graph. To change the properties settings of the graph a user can begin a line of code with @SETTING_ followed by the setting's name in capital letters and an equal sign before the setting's new value. Each setting has its own default value, so a program that doesn't specify any settings will still compile successfully.


The file's main function is to give a title to the graph so people know what the data is about. The file name is displayed above the graph and is also used when a user downloads the data from the user input textearea. By default the file name is "Untitled File".

@SETTING_FILENAME = Poll: What's your favorite method of transportation?
//This is an example file name for the results of a poll!


Units are displayed next to data values and help give context as to what the numbers mean. The number "5" by itself doesn't mean much, but "5 cars" and "5 " are meaningful. Like the file name, units help people understand the graph better.

//"Votes" is a great unit choice for the results of a poll!


By default, Hexagonal Light displays the circles in a random order since the default Order setting is "random". The user can change the Order to "groups" to have the circles be displayed together with their data groups. There are only two possible values for the Order Setting: "random" and "groups". A nonvalid value can result in an error.

//This will make all of the groups be displayed together

To see the difference between "random" and "groups", here is an example output for each setting:


A Collection is a collection of Data Groups that can be viewed together.

To declare a Collection, type its name first followed by a colon character, and then type the names of each Data Group that is a member of the collection, seperated by commas.

Cars: 8
Trucks: 5
Bicycles: 3
Vehicles: Cars, Trucks

The above code declares a Collection called "Vehicles", which has the Data Groups "Cars" and "Trucks" as its members. When the compiler reads a Collection declaration, it will add a button underneath the graph that can be pressed to view only the collection's Data Group members.

The graph above shows the result on clicking the collection button for the "Vehicles" collection. Only the member Data Groups of "Vehicles" ("Cars" and "Trucks") are visible, hiding Data Groups that aren't members of "Vehicles" (in this case, the "Bicycles" Data Group).

An important thing is that when a collection button is pressed, a new button called "Show Everything" appears. When the Show Everything button is clicked the graph will revert to display all data and not any specific collection.

Notes about Collections:

Viewing Output

When viewing the output graph, users can hover their mouse (or tap on phones) over any circle to see only members of the circle's data group. Users can also hover or tap on a Data Group label to see only the Data Group's members. When the user moves their mouse out of the graph all Data Groups will be shown unless the user is currently viewing a collection, in which case only Data Groups inside the collection will be shown (to stop viewing a collection click on the "Show Everything" button).

Download and Upload

Users can both download and upload data.

Users can download the user input's data as a .txt file by clicking on the "download data" button. The data will be downloaded promptly and the file will be titled [filename] - HexLight.txt

Users can upload a text (.txt) file by clicking on the "upload data" button. After clicking on the button and selecting a file, the user input textarea is overwritten with the file's content and a new graph is generated.

About this project

Hexagonal Light is a 2023 coding project by Arthur Zarins. More projects can be found on my portfolio website.